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This past Monday Katie had braces put back on. These braces are the non-metal kind; I'm not sure what they're made of. When it comes time for her to have more MRIs she will just have to have the wires and the metal rings on her back teeth taken out. These pictures were taken Thursday. Katie was dressed for field day at school.
Katie had another doctor's check up yesterday; this time with the pediatric neurologist. After going through all the fun neurological testing of toe tickling, nose touching, finger pointing, etc. that we have become so familiar with, the doctor said, "We believe she's completely cured." Katie's eyes lit up when he said that.
We're now moving forward with some medication changes. Katie will gradually be weaned off of the seizure medication she is on now while simultaneously gradually switching over to another one. The doctor said that she will be on this medication for at least up to a year. The reason for the med change is due to severe side affects her current medication would produce being administered over a long period of time. He said any brain cells that were not removed in surgery could have been "trained" to seize. It is hard for them to know exactly since no one knows how long the tumor was there. So over this period of time of taking the seizure medication, those brain cells will be retrained not to seize. That is why it is important that she continues to take the medication in order to protect her from having any more seizures. We will schedule an appointment for sometime in early Fall for another check up and probably another MRI as well.
We are truly thankful to the Lord for the good outcome. We have been able to breathe a big sigh of relief and have already been pouring our full efforts back into the ministry. The folks at Flat Rock Missionary Baptist Church have been very supportive and helpful during the first part of this year as we have been going through this. They are truly a wonderful group of God-loving and caring people. Everyone who has reached out to us during this time has been such a wonderful blessing.
The Lord has touched my heart through this journey to better see the need for intercessory prayer. If any of you have prayer needs, please let us know. Our family will definitely spend time in prayer over those needs.
God Bless!
Bro. Bob Hugan