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Well it's about 2:15 a.m. and all is well. I've been doing pretty good at keeping my eyes open. For a while now I've been working on the laptop. I think by now it's making me a little tired. I found a couple new Bible study sights though. I've bookmarked them for future reference.There have been a couple of nurses come in the room since about 12 midnight. The first one took vitals at around 12, then another one has come in a couple times to just check in. They are very nice to try to make the person awake as comfortable as possible. I don't know about you, but there is nothing comfortable about sleep deprivation. I'm doing ok though.
VMR = Video Monitoring RoomWe've been in the room since 6:30 p.m. We arrived at Children's Hospital around 4:00 p.m. Michael and Grandma Miller stopped by and visited for a while.Katie's head is all wrapped up and her hair-do is a little different than it was the last time. It's definitely different than it was when we arrived earlier today. It seems quite different here this time, since we're not in the "uncertain mode". We know what to expect this time and it is much more at ease knowing why we're here, seeing we are post tumor. It was funny how the nurse has come in to check Katie's vitals. All that seems trivial this time. Like I told Katie, we're just here for a little ride. I forgot the camera card reader to upload pictures on the internet, so I'll upload them when we get home tomorrow; time permitting.Katie is in good spirits; she's just making the best of the head wrap and wires. Sandra and I will be playing tag with the sleep thing. One of us has to be awake. We're really not expecting any abnormal activity on the monitor, but we have to monitor it just the same. I'll blog more tomorrow.
Today's the day we go up to Children's Hospital and do the video EEG. Well, Katie has it done. I told her this morning that at least she gets to sleep all night. Mom and dad have to take turns staying awake monitoring the monitor. That's ok though, we'll gladly do it.
We had a little skip of the heart beat when someone from the hospital called this week to remind us to take Katie off her medication for the test. We said, "No way!!!" The doctor told us she could stay on her meds during the testing. The lady called us back the next day to let us know that she had her information wrong. NO DUH! We knew that.
All in all, Katie is fine with all of this. We're packing up the toys to take with us so we will have stuff to do. I'll have the laptop so we can update the blog. However, there won't be much to update, we'll just have fun with it. Michael will stay at home. Grandma Miller will be staying the night at the house.
Hopefully after this test, we'll hear more about taking Katie off the meds. We'll just have to wait and see what the doctor says.