Anyway, most of the news of what Katie has been doing over the last month or so has been on our family's blog (Bob & Sandra's Place). See Katie's week at Basketball Camp.
Katie has been doing great!! She has just recently completed taking one of the seizure medications and is now on just one kind.

Katie had a great time at our church's youth camp last week. This picture was taken during a volleyball game. Even amongst all the business of camp, she was good about remembering to take her meds. This week she is participating in the mornings at volleyball camp at the Flat Rock Rec. Center with some of her friends from church. We'll try to get some pictures on Friday.
No change as far as upcoming doctor visits. She will be going in September for another MRI and I'm sure we'll be seeing a doctor or two around that time as well.
We are so grateful for all the continued prayers and inquiries that we still get about Katie. She is very appreciative too. What a testimony she's going to be able to share with those who need the hope of a loving Savior.
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