Tuesday, January 22, 2008

One Year Ago Today

It's hard to believe that it was one year ago today that Sandra and I received a phone call from the school telling us that Katie had had a seizure and that an ambulance was taking her to the hospital. Of course all the previous posts on this blog cover most of the ups and downs of that journey.

The Lord has been so gracious, and now all that happened is a distant memory. Not so distant, however, that we would easily forget all He has done for Katie. In fact a reality check came to us when we recently found out about the son of Michael's Jr. High baseball coach. His son, who is in the 4th grade, has what, at this point, could be a tumor in the same approximate area where Katie's tumor was. He will be going through all the same testing that Katie did, and is scheduled to have surgery in February. Please keep Justin and his parents in your prayers.

As for Katie, she is doing very well. The worst thing she has to deal with is her hair. People would never know the work that has to go into getting her hair ready to go out in public. It will probably be quite some time before she will be able to wear it as she puts it, "normal." Still, a small price to pay to be tumor-free!!

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