Thursday, June 18, 2009

Recent Video EEG clear / Weaning off Medication

Well, we heard the news we've been waiting for... Katie's video EEG came back 100% clear! We will now begin to wean her off her medication. This will take about 4 months to complete. During this time of transition, we have to take extra precautions while her body (specifically, her brain) gradually gets used to being medication free. It will be possible for seizures to be triggered as a result of any trauma or extreme tension. She will need to be monitored more closely during times when she is more susceptible to injury (i.e. - bath tub, pool, riding her bike, etc.). The doctor stressed the importance of not allowing sleep deprivation. These types of precautions are important for us to take seriously, yet it is also important not to over concern Katie in such a way as to influence her to hesitate in living a normal life.

A concern we are dealing with now is Katie's post surgery memory. When the doctor asked Katie if she remembered anything about the surgery, Katie began to break down emotionally. The doctor's assistant said she would mention this to the psychiatrist that tested Katie
pre-operative. This is a matter that I have studied and am prepared to deal with from a Biblical perspective. This is an amazingly difficult matter for a young person to handle. However, we are confident that just as God's grace was sufficient during the time of the operation itself, His grace is more than sufficient to deal with the emotional effects of the trauma. Please pray for her and her parents as we help her with this need.

Our key verse that we will hold to is Philippians 4:13 "
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

By God's Grace & For His Glory!

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