Friday, March 30, 2007
Stitches Out / Limited Activity
This afternoon we took Katie to get her stitches out. They came out fairly easily. There is some swelling around the area where the tumor was, but the doctor said it is not abnormal for that to occur. Sometimes the swelling gets worse, but they don't anticipate that to happen. We'll just need to keep an eye on it. Her activity level still needs to be limited until the swelling reduces.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Quick Trip To The Emergency - Nothing Serious
Katie has been gradually progressing over the last couple of days. She was still experiencing some nausea on Tuesday. Tuesday night she slept through without having to get up. Wednesday was uneventful. She was a little weak, but she stayed awake all day.
About 5:00 a.m. this morning she woke up with a sharp pain in her left side. It was so bad that she couldn't stop crying. We waited about 15-20 minutes, after which, we decided to take her to emergency at South Shore Hospital. As Sandra was checking in at the registration desk, Katie vomited quite a bit. After we were placed in an examination room, the pain lessened. The doctors did a CT Scan and an X-ray. There were no abnormalities. They surmised that she may have had a kidney stone and that it may have passed. Based on the tests, they suggested that we purchase some medication to help her with her bowels, so we did that.
We arrived back home around 8:30 a.m. She is resting on the couch now.
About 5:00 a.m. this morning she woke up with a sharp pain in her left side. It was so bad that she couldn't stop crying. We waited about 15-20 minutes, after which, we decided to take her to emergency at South Shore Hospital. As Sandra was checking in at the registration desk, Katie vomited quite a bit. After we were placed in an examination room, the pain lessened. The doctors did a CT Scan and an X-ray. There were no abnormalities. They surmised that she may have had a kidney stone and that it may have passed. Based on the tests, they suggested that we purchase some medication to help her with her bowels, so we did that.
We arrived back home around 8:30 a.m. She is resting on the couch now.
Monday, March 26, 2007
This picture was taken 60 seconds before we left what has been Katie's home away from home for one week, and one day. She had enough energy to hold that smile for about 6 seconds.

We drove out of the parking garage at 10:00 p.m. and arrived home around 10:30. As soon as we got in the door Katie got sick to her stomach. Thankfully the medicine had time to get into her system before that happened. We put her to bed and she was out in less than a minute.
People have asked if I will continue to update the blog. I'll keep updating on Katie's recovery for a while. They may end up only being daily, depending on how the days go.
Thanks to every who has been keeping up with Katie's condition and praying for our family. Words will never be able to express our gratitude for the love that we have and continue to receive from so many people. We are tired, but we are oh so blessed!
Keeping Occupied
7:20 p.m. Update
Kristen, the charge nurse, just came in and told us that we should be discharged around 8:00 p.m. She said if nothing is done by then, we should check with the new charge nurse on duty to have her call and remind neurology again to discharge Katie.
Stay tuned!
Stay tuned!
Still Waiting
I hope the previous post didn't gross any of you folks out. That wasn't my intent. Several people asked about them.
We are still waiting for Katie to be discharged. Paper work, paper work, paper work. Katie is taking advantage of the time to enjoy the comfort of sleeping in the fancy hospital bed, and we're all sitting here staring at her. As you probably guessed, we are bored! Hopefully we won't hear, "Well, we're sorry, you have to stay one more night." I think I hear my bed at home calling me.
The post later tonight will tell whether or not we've been discharged. We've seen other people discharged late, so here's hopin'.
We are still waiting for Katie to be discharged. Paper work, paper work, paper work. Katie is taking advantage of the time to enjoy the comfort of sleeping in the fancy hospital bed, and we're all sitting here staring at her. As you probably guessed, we are bored! Hopefully we won't hear, "Well, we're sorry, you have to stay one more night." I think I hear my bed at home calling me.
The post later tonight will tell whether or not we've been discharged. We've seen other people discharged late, so here's hopin'.
Pre-Operation Pictures of Katie's Brain
Here are the pictures of Katie's brain and the grid placement that I mentioned in a earlier post.

This picture is an actual camera shot of her brain, with the grids superimposed with identification. The circles represent the sensors on the grid that was placed on Katie's brain. The dark black circles and the white circles show the area where the tumor was. The tumor was located withing the perimeter of circles 4, 5, 13, and 12. This picture also identifies the different areas of her brain that help the doctors determine where the motor cortex, the sensory cortex and the language cortex were located in relation to the tumor.

This picture shows the tumor (golden yellow). The red line is the dividing line between the motor cortex (right) and the sensory cortex behind (left).

The dots in this picture are the sensors of the grid.

This picture is an actual camera shot of her brain, with the grids superimposed with identification. The circles represent the sensors on the grid that was placed on Katie's brain. The dark black circles and the white circles show the area where the tumor was. The tumor was located withing the perimeter of circles 4, 5, 13, and 12. This picture also identifies the different areas of her brain that help the doctors determine where the motor cortex, the sensory cortex and the language cortex were located in relation to the tumor.

This picture shows the tumor (golden yellow). The red line is the dividing line between the motor cortex (right) and the sensory cortex behind (left).

The dots in this picture are the sensors of the grid.
There is another picture that Dr. Asono has that is a post-op picture. Hopefully we will get a copy of that one too.
11:35 a.m. Update
9:10 a.m. Update
Katie had a good night's sleep, except for the nurse who kept on coming in throughout the night shining the light in her eyes. Usually the nurses stopped doing that during the night. Anyway, ever since she woke up this morning, she has been constantly nauseated and the area around the stitches is very painful now, especially when she coughs or sneezes. I told her to stop coughing and sneezing, but she didn't appreciate my dry humor. I don't have a comic's license, but hey, I'm trying!! :-)
Sunday, March 25, 2007
10:20 p.m. Update
I arrived back at the hospital around 9:30 p.m. Both Sandra and Katie were sleeping. It didn't take me long to wake Sandra up with the aroma of a couple pieces of pizza.
During the evening Katie was up and about. She rode around in a wheelchair for a little bit and she was awake longer than usual during the early evening hours. She ate a few bites of chicken for dinner and she seems to be having less pain. The doctors are encouraging us to get her up to walk tomorrow.
She had visit from another dog tonight. I haven't uploaded the picture yet, but I will as soon as I can.
During the evening Katie was up and about. She rode around in a wheelchair for a little bit and she was awake longer than usual during the early evening hours. She ate a few bites of chicken for dinner and she seems to be having less pain. The doctors are encouraging us to get her up to walk tomorrow.
She had visit from another dog tonight. I haven't uploaded the picture yet, but I will as soon as I can.
4:50 p.m. Update
I am now up here at the hospital. Katie had a few visitors from church this afternoon that cheered her up. She was able to get a shower today and they took off the head wrap for good. We were somewhat surprised by the size of the cut of the hair. The C cut is quite a bit bigger than what we had imagined it would be, but we'll learn to deal with it.
Katie just woke up and had a little victory in regards to the stomach pain she had been experiencing. Still needs some improvement, but it was a turn in the right direction.
I'll be leaving in a few minutes to go to church, so I want to spend some time talking with her before I leave. I'll post again sometime tonight when I come back up here after church.
Katie just woke up and had a little victory in regards to the stomach pain she had been experiencing. Still needs some improvement, but it was a turn in the right direction.
I'll be leaving in a few minutes to go to church, so I want to spend some time talking with her before I leave. I'll post again sometime tonight when I come back up here after church.
Rough Morning
I talked with Sandra this morning, a little bit ago, and she said that overnight it was uneventful, but this morning around 6:00 a.m. Katie began experiencing more nausea and severe abdominal pain; not just a stomach ache. The doctors are probably going to have to do something more intense to get her stomach working like it should again.
I'll update later this afternoon, as I can, between church services.
I'll update later this afternoon, as I can, between church services.
Sunday Morning Update
Just a quick note; I haven't talked with Sandra yet this morning, but I did last night. She said that Katie was doing better. She wasn't experiencing the nausea as before and the pain was not so severe. Over a matter of a few hours the pain starts to come back and the nurses give some more pain medicine. The pain, however, doesn't seem to be so bad as before. We are thankful for that.
I came home last night to be with Michael. My parents, Ben and Jean Hugan, had been staying with Michael at our house since Monday. We are so thankful for all that they have done to make this time as normal as possible for him. We're also thankful to Linda Bowen, Lois' sister (Sandra's mom), for coming up to be a help to Lois. I could go on and on with the 'thank yous'. Anyway, I'll be going to church this morning; Matthew Rowland is preaching for me in both services today. He's the young man I've been training for the ministry. He preached Wednesday also. I'm very proud of him. The Lord is really using him at FRMBC.
I'll be going up to the hospital today and I will update the blog, Lord willing, this afternoon. Thanks again to everyone for the e-mails and comments on the blog. We love to hear from you all. We have read most of them to Katie already. I'll make sure she hears the most recent ones this afternoon.
Well, so much for this being a "quick note." :-)
God Bless you all on this wonderful Lord's Day!!
Bro. Hugan
I came home last night to be with Michael. My parents, Ben and Jean Hugan, had been staying with Michael at our house since Monday. We are so thankful for all that they have done to make this time as normal as possible for him. We're also thankful to Linda Bowen, Lois' sister (Sandra's mom), for coming up to be a help to Lois. I could go on and on with the 'thank yous'. Anyway, I'll be going to church this morning; Matthew Rowland is preaching for me in both services today. He's the young man I've been training for the ministry. He preached Wednesday also. I'm very proud of him. The Lord is really using him at FRMBC.
I'll be going up to the hospital today and I will update the blog, Lord willing, this afternoon. Thanks again to everyone for the e-mails and comments on the blog. We love to hear from you all. We have read most of them to Katie already. I'll make sure she hears the most recent ones this afternoon.
Well, so much for this being a "quick note." :-)
God Bless you all on this wonderful Lord's Day!!
Bro. Hugan
Saturday, March 24, 2007
1:50 p.m. Update

A visit from Rocky

Katie had a pretty good morning. She has still had some nausea, but not constantly. She has been up out of bed and the nurse gave her a shower. Although it took a lot out of her and made her tired, it really refreshed her. Just a little while ago a visitor came by to see Katie. His name was Rocky. That really brightened her day. The Frosty made her happy too.
10:30 a.m. Update
Overall last night went well. We all had a pretty good night's sleep, other than having to get up 4 or 5 times for a "thing". Around 4 a.m. Katie started to get nauseous and to experience pain again. Once she was given the medication, which took a while to get to the room, she was a little more relaxed. She tried to eat this morning, but she could only tolerate a coupe of bites. She watched a little TV this morning and is now sleeping. The nurse suggested that we could try to get her to walk across her room later today.
Friday, March 23, 2007
9:20 p.m. Update
Sorry for not being at my "post" today. I was literally wiped out. I had to take advantage of a "crash" opportunity. I didn't sleep much, but knowing the tumor was out and we were heading down the back stretch of this journey, I just needed a little leave of absence. I hope you all understand. I know people have been asking people...
Katie was in ICU until 4:00 p.m. Shortly after she arrived in her new room, she was taken for the MRI. That took an hour, plus about an hour wait before hand. Once she came back up from the MRI, she started to get nauseous again. At that time we noticed that one of her hands was swelling up bad from an IV. They took out the IV and couldn't get a new one started again, due to her veins collapsing. They called an IV specialist and he was able to get a new one started. He happened to be the same guy who ran an IV during Katie's bad seizure last month. He was great. She continued to be nauseous, so they gave her medication for that.
We're praying that Katie will be able to get another good night's sleep tonight. We don't know what tomorrow holds; but we know who holds tomorrow!!!!!!
Sandra and I can't say it enough how we appreciate you all!
"Unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." Praise His Holy Name!
Katie was in ICU until 4:00 p.m. Shortly after she arrived in her new room, she was taken for the MRI. That took an hour, plus about an hour wait before hand. Once she came back up from the MRI, she started to get nauseous again. At that time we noticed that one of her hands was swelling up bad from an IV. They took out the IV and couldn't get a new one started again, due to her veins collapsing. They called an IV specialist and he was able to get a new one started. He happened to be the same guy who ran an IV during Katie's bad seizure last month. He was great. She continued to be nauseous, so they gave her medication for that.
We're praying that Katie will be able to get another good night's sleep tonight. We don't know what tomorrow holds; but we know who holds tomorrow!!!!!!
Sandra and I can't say it enough how we appreciate you all!
"Unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." Praise His Holy Name!
9:45 a.m. Update
Last night was, without a doubt, the best night for Katie and us. She slept most of the night. However, she did wake up a couple times with nausea. I think it was around 7:00 a.m. that she was awake and talking. The swelling is there, but as of yet, it's not as bad as before. It will get worse as the day goes on. She has had more nausea and headache this morning, so they have given her more pain medication.
Katie is scheduled for a MRI around 4:15 p.m. today. Hopefully she will be able to sleep through that. The doctors have said that she can go up to the 5th floor, where we were before, once a room becomes available.
Stay Tuned!
Katie is scheduled for a MRI around 4:15 p.m. today. Hopefully she will be able to sleep through that. The doctors have said that she can go up to the 5th floor, where we were before, once a room becomes available.
Stay Tuned!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
7:55 p.m. - Update
It took a couple hours to bring Katie up to the ICU from recovery. We were able to see her in the hall before they took her to her ICU room. She looks a lot better without the 50 wires coming out of her head. Her head is still all bandaged up and she is laying flat on her back. She's conscious but very, very sleepy. That is actually a good thing for her and for us.
Bro. Cliff Christman and his wife, Tracy, drove up from Kentucky yesterday. They came to the hospital early this morning and spent the day with us and other family members. If anyone can get a smile out of Katie at this point, it is Bro. Christman; and she did smile when she saw him. Katie really likes Bro. Christman.
We anticipate that the swelling will happen like it did after the 1st operation, and that the 2nd and 3rd days will be pretty bad. However, it will only be temporary. She will be in ICU through tomorrow morning, then be transferred up to the 5th floor again. The estimated discharge from the hospital right now is Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
We're praying that Katie will have a restful night.
Thanks again for all the prayers and comments. I have received e-mails from a lot of people. I have been reading them. Thank you all for understanding that I am not able to respond to each one. Know, however, that each one is received with much gratitude!
Bro. Cliff Christman and his wife, Tracy, drove up from Kentucky yesterday. They came to the hospital early this morning and spent the day with us and other family members. If anyone can get a smile out of Katie at this point, it is Bro. Christman; and she did smile when she saw him. Katie really likes Bro. Christman.
We anticipate that the swelling will happen like it did after the 1st operation, and that the 2nd and 3rd days will be pretty bad. However, it will only be temporary. She will be in ICU through tomorrow morning, then be transferred up to the 5th floor again. The estimated discharge from the hospital right now is Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
We're praying that Katie will have a restful night.
Thanks again for all the prayers and comments. I have received e-mails from a lot of people. I have been reading them. Thank you all for understanding that I am not able to respond to each one. Know, however, that each one is received with much gratitude!
11:35 a.m. Update - Surgery Over
Dr. Asono came and told us the surgery is over. Dr. Sood was still sewing up the incision as we were talking with Dr. Asono. The surgery went along as planned and they removed everything they needed to. Katie should have little if any side effects. She may have some difficulty in communication. If she does, it could last for a few weeks. She may not have much trouble at all. We just don't know yet. Dr. Asono went over with us their plan for Katie medication wise and what to expect over the next week. We'll be dealing with some of the same effects as we did with the first surgery, but there is some inward relief. There is the possibility that she could have a couple of really bad seizures due to the trauma of the surgery. Dr. Asono said if she did have them, they would be worse than anything we'd seen thus far. To reduce the chance of that happening, they will have her on strong doses of two different anti-seizure medications over the next three days. When I can, I'll upload computer images that show where the tumor was and how it related to the seizures. Hopefully we'll be seeing her by 1:30 p.m. or so.
We are praising the Lord here in the waiting room and thanking Him for his mighty love and grace.
Thank you all again for your prayers!
We are praising the Lord here in the waiting room and thanking Him for his mighty love and grace.
Thank you all again for your prayers!
9:55 a.m. Update
Last night was, overall, a more pleasant night. Katie still had a lot of difficulty with nausea and dizziness. At one point she was in a state of kind of talking out of her head. She said that she was seeing double. I noticed some abnormal spikes on the EEG, and this morning, Dr. Asono confirmed that there was some seizure activity at that point. It's not a real concern at this point.
They took her into surgery at around 8:30 a.m. We were told that the OR nurse would call and update us every couple of hours. The surgery may last somewhat longer due to the nature of it in comparison to when the grid being put in.
We are now praying for the surgeons during the operation. Thank you for praying along with us.
They took her into surgery at around 8:30 a.m. We were told that the OR nurse would call and update us every couple of hours. The surgery may last somewhat longer due to the nature of it in comparison to when the grid being put in.
We are now praying for the surgeons during the operation. Thank you for praying along with us.
4:00 a.m. - Quick Note
Just a quick note...
We just had to get up to help Katie do a routine "thing". I thought I would post a quick note to once again say THANK YOU for all the prayers. I probably won't post much early this morning since they will be getting Katie ready for the surgery.
We're pretty drained right now and emotions are running a little high, not bad just weary. We've been able to get a bit more sleep tonight; that has been helpful. My rheumatoid arthritis is flaring up bad tonight, so I prayed for more strength and took a Darvocet (?) "the big PINK pill." I'm sure I'll be posting later in the day during the surgery.
Thank you all for everything!
We just had to get up to help Katie do a routine "thing". I thought I would post a quick note to once again say THANK YOU for all the prayers. I probably won't post much early this morning since they will be getting Katie ready for the surgery.
We're pretty drained right now and emotions are running a little high, not bad just weary. We've been able to get a bit more sleep tonight; that has been helpful. My rheumatoid arthritis is flaring up bad tonight, so I prayed for more strength and took a Darvocet (?) "the big PINK pill." I'm sure I'll be posting later in the day during the surgery.
Thank you all for everything!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Some Escalation in Minor Complications
9:25 p.m. - Not seizure related, as much as irritations; such as severe body itching, and numbness and tingling in the right fingers. Nausea is still a big issue. Sandra and I are really feeling physical fatigue. My medication for my arthritis is not keeping up with the needed relief. Please pray for us tonight (I feel silly asking that, knowing that you all are doing that) that God will give us the needed physical...
OK, it's been 45 minutes since I started typing this post. We've spent all our time with a nurse, trying to get Katie calmed down. She's been experiencing severe nausea, dizziness, and some double vision. The nurse thinks it's due to some of the meds she's been given. Either way, it's been rough. She's just now started to calm down after the nurse suggested laying her on her left side. The problem now is her ICP (having to do with the pressure on her brain) has been rising.
Gotta go.
OK, it's been 45 minutes since I started typing this post. We've spent all our time with a nurse, trying to get Katie calmed down. She's been experiencing severe nausea, dizziness, and some double vision. The nurse thinks it's due to some of the meds she's been given. Either way, it's been rough. She's just now started to calm down after the nurse suggested laying her on her left side. The problem now is her ICP (having to do with the pressure on her brain) has been rising.
Gotta go.
6:50 p.m. Update - Not Much Change
Not much new news. Katie has been able to sleep much of the afternoon. That is the best thing for her now. She still has had several bouts of nausea and dizziness, along with severe headaches.
Every one's prayers are such a GREAT comfort to us. This is very difficult from one minute to the next. The Lord's grace is really doing overtime.
Please pray for a little girl named Grace. She's only a few years old (?). I met her dad early this afternoon. She's being checked out for anemia and some other possible problems. I told him the Lord has allowed me through my trial to have quite a big network of prayer warriors. So I told him I would pass her name down the line. What an awesome opportunity the Lord gives us to be a blessing to others going through trials, as he blesses us through ours.
Every one's prayers are such a GREAT comfort to us. This is very difficult from one minute to the next. The Lord's grace is really doing overtime.
Please pray for a little girl named Grace. She's only a few years old (?). I met her dad early this afternoon. She's being checked out for anemia and some other possible problems. I told him the Lord has allowed me through my trial to have quite a big network of prayer warriors. So I told him I would pass her name down the line. What an awesome opportunity the Lord gives us to be a blessing to others going through trials, as he blesses us through ours.
1:20 p.m. Update - Testing Results
The Language Motor Mapping started at 10:00 a.m. and lasted the full two hours. The testing consisted of the doctor asking questions and Katie answering them. They were all relatively easy questions. While the questions were being asked, another doctor worked with the mapping wires connected to the grid on her brain and methodically stimulated specific areas of the brain. They stimulated arm and hand movement, mouth and tongue movement, shoulder and throat movement; not necessarily together as I have listed them.
Katie had a rough time throughout the whole time of testing. She continued to have severe nausea and a headache. She did well, but it was very overwhelming to her, as well as to Sandra and me. The doctors got all the data they needed and they are 80% sure she will eventually be seizure free after all is said and done. They have determined that none of her motor, sensory, or language areas should be effected.
It's been very rough, but the results of the tests are encouraging.
Katie had a rough time throughout the whole time of testing. She continued to have severe nausea and a headache. She did well, but it was very overwhelming to her, as well as to Sandra and me. The doctors got all the data they needed and they are 80% sure she will eventually be seizure free after all is said and done. They have determined that none of her motor, sensory, or language areas should be effected.
It's been very rough, but the results of the tests are encouraging.
9:57a.m. Update - Rough Night Last Night
Where to start... The late afternoon went fairly well yesterday. By early evening, Katie began complaining about head pain and being nauseated. There were some other complications that I won't go into but all in all, it was the roughest night we've ever had with her in the hospital. It was nothing extremely serious, but it was very stressful. Sandra and I both stayed in the room with her all night and we are exhausted. Both of Katie's eyes are now swollen completely shut. This is normal at this point in the process. It is very scary to her not being able to see. After the second surgery, the swelling isn't suppose to be such an issue. All the other testing for the day seems to be on schedule, as long as she can tolerate it.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
4:00 p.m. Update
We have been in a private room in 5 West-Neuro Surgery wing on the 5th floor since around 1:00 p.m. It took us a little work to get up here, seeing that this unit still had Katie scheduled to come up from the ICU on Wednesday. But, we finally made it up here.
They have already put her through quite a lot of testing today. I won't go into it all but most of it had to do with her hearing sounds and words. Tomorrow morning she is scheduled for some extensive language mapping. As long as Katie can tolerate it, it will last approximately 2 hours.
The head EEG technician, Dr. Asano just told us that Katie had 7 seizures, the last being around 2:30 a.m. this morning. Dr. Asano is in the room right now setting up for some language testing right now. This will help map out where the language cortex is located in relation to where the seizures have been occurring. There is a possibility that the language cortex could be in the area where the seizures are originating from. That would not be good because they have to remove any brain tissue that is causing the seizures.
They have already put her through quite a lot of testing today. I won't go into it all but most of it had to do with her hearing sounds and words. Tomorrow morning she is scheduled for some extensive language mapping. As long as Katie can tolerate it, it will last approximately 2 hours.
The head EEG technician, Dr. Asano just told us that Katie had 7 seizures, the last being around 2:30 a.m. this morning. Dr. Asano is in the room right now setting up for some language testing right now. This will help map out where the language cortex is located in relation to where the seizures have been occurring. There is a possibility that the language cortex could be in the area where the seizures are originating from. That would not be good because they have to remove any brain tissue that is causing the seizures.
10:30 a.m. Update
Well, the night went along fairly uneventful for Katie. There was a period of time that the EEG monitor showed some spiking in the area around the tumor. This morning the Dr. said he would check the recording. There seemed to be an abnormal amount a nausea and a little vomiting early in the morning hours. She's still on medication for that. The swelling is beginning to progress somewhat. Usually the swelling gets worse on the 2nd and 3rd days. Her eyes are starting to show some signs of swelling around them, especially the left one and she is experiencing a lot of pain in her head. She is on a regular regiment of pain medication for that.
Due to a scheduling mix up, it looks like we may be staying in the ICU a little longer than originally planned. We were supposed to go up to a room this morning. It looks like it won't be until later this afternoon; possibly tonight.
We would like to thank all the folks who have been sending cards and stuffed animals and balloons, etc., as well as all the e-mails and comments on the blog. Knowing folks are praying for us, especially Katie, is of great comfort. We are also very thankful for the care that Katie is getting here at Children's Hospital in Detroit. We have been told that Dr. Sood, the chief Dr., is among the top pediatric neurosurgeons in the country. We're thankful to the Lord for that.
Due to a scheduling mix up, it looks like we may be staying in the ICU a little longer than originally planned. We were supposed to go up to a room this morning. It looks like it won't be until later this afternoon; possibly tonight.
We would like to thank all the folks who have been sending cards and stuffed animals and balloons, etc., as well as all the e-mails and comments on the blog. Knowing folks are praying for us, especially Katie, is of great comfort. We are also very thankful for the care that Katie is getting here at Children's Hospital in Detroit. We have been told that Dr. Sood, the chief Dr., is among the top pediatric neurosurgeons in the country. We're thankful to the Lord for that.
Monday, March 19, 2007
11:40 p.m. Update - Second Needed Seizure - AND LAST!!
At 11:23 p.m. Katie had another seizure. This time it was a simple partial seizure. This is contrasted with the complex partial in that her ability to speak and respond to verbal stimuli remained during the entire 3 minute long seizure. There was no body jerking, eye twitching, or loss of consciousness. The head doctor (no pun intended; the chief doctor) was in the room at the time doing some language recognition tests, so he saw the whole thing. The monitor showed massive fluctuations of seizure activity in the same area of the tumor, only this time without all the side effects. After monitoring the seizure, he was confident that they will not need to map any more seizure activity. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!! He ordered her Keppra (seizure medication) to resume via I.V. This is such an answer to prayer. Only one bad seizure, then a bad one with no side effects - NO MORE!
Katie could still have a seizure because the medication takes time to build back up in her system. Still, no more seizure mapping. Tomorrow they will do more brain mapping. This is simply to monitor and map brain activity.
At this point, I think Sandra and I will be able to get some shut-eye so that we can be alert for tomorrow.
Katie could still have a seizure because the medication takes time to build back up in her system. Still, no more seizure mapping. Tomorrow they will do more brain mapping. This is simply to monitor and map brain activity.
At this point, I think Sandra and I will be able to get some shut-eye so that we can be alert for tomorrow.
9:38 p.m. Update - Seizure #1 Passed
At about 8:50 p.m. Katie had a complex partial seizure, with the hand jerking and eye fluttering; similar to the bad one she had back when they did the video EEG. Thankfully, knowing that this would likely occur, the doctors had the needed meds right in the room to administer to her within a couple of minutes of the start of the seizure. She was given oxygen due to her oxygen level dropping. The nurses stayed right in the room until it was over. After a couple of minutes, the seizure subsided. This is the first seizure of the three they want to map over the next couple of days. It wasn't as bad as the one last month, but to us, it was bad enough.
Sandra and I both plan to stay here in the ICU with Katie overnight.
Sandra and I both plan to stay here in the ICU with Katie overnight.
5:20 p.m. Update
Katie is sleeping now. She vomited a while ago; probably due to the anesthetic wearing off.
Please pray for Alissa (sp.?). I don't know anything other than she is in the ICU and is not doing well. I saw the family in the waiting room all upset and crying, so I asked if I could be of help. I think she's probably a teenager; I'm not sure though.
Please pray for Alissa (sp.?). I don't know anything other than she is in the ICU and is not doing well. I saw the family in the waiting room all upset and crying, so I asked if I could be of help. I think she's probably a teenager; I'm not sure though.
4:00 p.m. Update
Katie has been in the ICU for a couple of hours now. Sandra and I have been in there. They've got her hooked up to a bunch of wires like they did for her previous video EEG. They have already started video monitoring her and looking for seizure activity. They want to see three seizures before they put her back on her meds. The concern is that the tumor is in close proximity to the motor function and the language function. The seizures are usually found in the brain tissue immediately surrounding the tumor.
We have been able to communicate with her. She has a couple of her stuffed dogs with her as well as a couple of big balloons that were given to her by ladies from Sandra's work. (Thanks for the lunch, ladies!!!)
Until next time
We have been able to communicate with her. She has a couple of her stuffed dogs with her as well as a couple of big balloons that were given to her by ladies from Sandra's work. (Thanks for the lunch, ladies!!!)
Until next time
1:30 p.m. Update
They just wheeled Katie up to the ICU floor. They let Sandra and I see her in the hallway for a few moments on the way to her room. She was pretty groggy, but she could hear and understand what we were saying to her. A nurse will come and get us when we can go in and see her. They're pretty strict with the limitation of visitors, and that's fine. She needs to get a lot of rest over the next 24 hours.
12:30 p.m. Update
The grid is in place and they have covered the incision. Katie came through the procedure great. The doctor did say that there was some spiking in the mapping already. They have medication ready at bedside in case a bad seizure were to occur. We're waiting for someone to come and get us to move us up to the 4th floor to the ICU waiting room. Then we should be able to see Katie soon after that.
11:15 a.m. Update
The doctor updated us a few minutes ago.
Katie has done great so far. The grid is in place. They made a C incision to open in order to place the mapping grid onto the brain. They will close it over and bandage her head completely to guard against infection. She should be in recovery by 12:00 noon and then to the ICU by 1:00 p.m. We should be able to see her after that.
So far so good!
Katie has done great so far. The grid is in place. They made a C incision to open in order to place the mapping grid onto the brain. They will close it over and bandage her head completely to guard against infection. She should be in recovery by 12:00 noon and then to the ICU by 1:00 p.m. We should be able to see her after that.
So far so good!
Stage ONE Has Begun
Well, here we are, in the family waiting room. At the start of this post it's 8:57 a.m. They took Katie into the OR around 8:30 a.m. The doctors went over all the preliminary information with us and answered any questions we had. The surgery should take about 5 hours. We won't be able to see her until an hour to hour and a half after that. Katie was understandably nervous. She didn't say much, but I could see it in her eyes. After we prayed together and did all our hugs and kisses, they took her to the OR. Sandra was able to go with her to just be there for a few minutes. Sandra said they put a mask on her and within a minute Katie was out.
Now the waiting begins.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Packed And Ready To Go

Well, this will be our last night at home for a week or so. Everybody at church has been such a blessing today. We've got our bags packed and ready to head to the hospital around 6:00 a.m. or so. As we were putting Katie to bed tonight the reality began to set in that tomorrow begins a rough journey for her. The fear of the "unknown" was evident in her tears. We talked and prayed with her as we assured her of the presence and power of the Lord in her life. And with a kiss good night, she was asleep within no time.
Thanks to everyone for the love and support as we have come up to this point. We know the prayers will keep going up, and we thank you all for that too. It's going to be a rough week physically, mentally, and emotionally, but I believe it will be an immense spiritual time for us as well. We know the Lord will be with us every step of this journey. Our daily prayer will be, "Lord, stay close to us!" And we know He will!
I've got the laptop packed with all the picture processing software loaded so that we can post some pictures during our stay.
Until then...
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Another Change - For The Good
(Be sure to read the previous post)
Sandra called our coordinator at Children's Hospital regarding our concern that Katie would have an extra day between the two surgeries due to the 1st stage now being done on Monday. So the coordinator worked it out with all the doctors for the 2nd stage surgery to take place on Thursday, March 22nd. That's good news for us, especially Katie!
I feel dizzy and the roller coaster hasn't even left the platform yet! We know, however, that these changes are for a reason. We may not know it now, and maybe never will. We realize that the Lord is the REAL COORDINATOR here.
Like I said in an earlier post...
While we're waiting, God is working!
(Be sure to read the previous post)
Sandra called our coordinator at Children's Hospital regarding our concern that Katie would have an extra day between the two surgeries due to the 1st stage now being done on Monday. So the coordinator worked it out with all the doctors for the 2nd stage surgery to take place on Thursday, March 22nd. That's good news for us, especially Katie!
I feel dizzy and the roller coaster hasn't even left the platform yet! We know, however, that these changes are for a reason. We may not know it now, and maybe never will. We realize that the Lord is the REAL COORDINATOR here.
Like I said in an earlier post...
While we're waiting, God is working!
Sudden Change In Plans
We received a phone call from Children's Hospital this morning. The short version of the conversation is that Katie's 1st stage surgery has been rescheduled to Monday instead of Tuesday. One of the doctors is required to be in court on Tuesday. The other alternative was to postpone the surgery. We didn't want to do that.
This puts a crunch on some family and school plans we had. However, we're thankful that the surgery didn't have to be postponed. We've planned some good quality family time for the weekend, so we're praying nothing else changes.
We're trusting the Lord as we keep...
Goin' on with the Song!
We received a phone call from Children's Hospital this morning. The short version of the conversation is that Katie's 1st stage surgery has been rescheduled to Monday instead of Tuesday. One of the doctors is required to be in court on Tuesday. The other alternative was to postpone the surgery. We didn't want to do that.
This puts a crunch on some family and school plans we had. However, we're thankful that the surgery didn't have to be postponed. We've planned some good quality family time for the weekend, so we're praying nothing else changes.
We're trusting the Lord as we keep...
Goin' on with the Song!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Tired Without A Cause ??
I never knew one could be so tired without doing anything. I suppose this is how such heavy burdens affect us.There have been a few tense moments dealing with the insurance and doctors' assistants, but for the most part it's just sitting; waiting. All the while Katie just plugs along like nothing is happening. I can tell as March 20th is getting closer I'm getting a little more tense. It's not affecting my behavior or attitude, just deep inside my soul. I know it's all in the Lord's hands and the doctors say it should all go well. Then I start to ponder the details of the surgery that I know about and it kind of knots my stomach. Not the unpleasantness of the surgery; I'm fine with that. But the thought of it being my daughter.
There's one thing I know - God's been good, God is good, and God will be good -
Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
What more do we need?
There's one thing I know - God's been good, God is good, and God will be good -
Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
What more do we need?
One More Week
Well, we're counting down the days... one week from today is "Stage 1."
Sandra is fighting off a bad cold that flared up yesterday. She had a pretty sore throat a couple of weeks ago. It has returned with a vengeance. She went to the drug store yesterday and is pumping down the meds to get better. She's going to try to get in to see her doctor today.
Katie cannot get sick! If Katie were to get sick, the surgery would probably have to be rescheduled. Remember the "bump in the road?" We need to have this surgery done in March. Please pray with us that Sandra feels better and that the rest of us, especially Katie, stay well so things can progress as planned.
We know that while we're waiting, God is working!
Sandra is fighting off a bad cold that flared up yesterday. She had a pretty sore throat a couple of weeks ago. It has returned with a vengeance. She went to the drug store yesterday and is pumping down the meds to get better. She's going to try to get in to see her doctor today.
Katie cannot get sick! If Katie were to get sick, the surgery would probably have to be rescheduled. Remember the "bump in the road?" We need to have this surgery done in March. Please pray with us that Sandra feels better and that the rest of us, especially Katie, stay well so things can progress as planned.
We know that while we're waiting, God is working!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Playing Catch on a Warm Day
Thank You Scott!
Legacy Five Concert
Last night we enjoyed a wonderful night of southern gospel singing by the Legacy Five Quartet. They were in rare form last night. They sang with their voices here in Michigan, but we knew their hearts were in Houston, Texas where Roger Bennett is in critical condition battling leukemia. And yet they had the graciousness to talk with me about what Katie is going through. Scott Fowler, co-owner and emcee of the group, was gracious to take time to talk with Katie personally. That really made an impression on her.
Thank you Legacy Five for making it a night of personal blessing for us!
There were a few people who had heard about Katie that talked with us who have gone through similar circumstances. That was a blessing too.
It's good to know that with earthly sorrow, we can have Heavenly Joy!
All because of God's amazing grace,
Thank you Legacy Five for making it a night of personal blessing for us!
There were a few people who had heard about Katie that talked with us who have gone through similar circumstances. That was a blessing too.
It's good to know that with earthly sorrow, we can have Heavenly Joy!
All because of God's amazing grace,
Friday, March 9, 2007
The Beginning Of Katie's Journey
(a condensed version)
(See pictures below)

In January of 2007 Katie began to experience absence seizures that over a short period of time began to be more serious complex seizures.
It became known to us on January 22nd when Katie had to be rushed by ambulance to the hospital from school. After a couple of hours the doctors suspected that Katie had a vein abnormality on her brain. After a couple of weeks we found out through CT and MRI tests that Katie had a brain tumor. Surgery was scheduled to take place as soon as the doctors could do it.
The rest of this blog is a chronicle of the Victory that the Lord granted Katie over the brain tumor. It is our prayer that others can benefit from our experience and see how gracious and powerful our Heavenly Father is.
We are thankful for the thousands of people who followed our journey; who prayed and kept in loving touch with our family as we watched the Lord do a miracle in Katie's life. Most of all we are thankful to the Lord for His love and watchcare over our entire family as we traveled this journey.
These are pictures from when Katie was in the hospital during her video EEG in February.

(See pictures below)
In January of 2007 Katie began to experience absence seizures that over a short period of time began to be more serious complex seizures.
It became known to us on January 22nd when Katie had to be rushed by ambulance to the hospital from school. After a couple of hours the doctors suspected that Katie had a vein abnormality on her brain. After a couple of weeks we found out through CT and MRI tests that Katie had a brain tumor. Surgery was scheduled to take place as soon as the doctors could do it.
The rest of this blog is a chronicle of the Victory that the Lord granted Katie over the brain tumor. It is our prayer that others can benefit from our experience and see how gracious and powerful our Heavenly Father is.
We are thankful for the thousands of people who followed our journey; who prayed and kept in loving touch with our family as we watched the Lord do a miracle in Katie's life. Most of all we are thankful to the Lord for His love and watchcare over our entire family as we traveled this journey.
These are pictures from when Katie was in the hospital during her video EEG in February.

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